(918) 259-0049

Dedicated to Providing the Best Hospice Care.
A-Vow Hospice
What is Hospice?
Choosing hospice does not mean you are giving up on life, rather, it means you are choosing to be happy and comfortable at home so quality of life can be maintained as long as possible. Hospice neither speeds up nor prolongs death. It provides individualized services and education through a caring and compassionate team, allowing one to die pain free, with dignity and support.
What qualifies one for hospice?
Hospice care is appropriate if your doctor and the hospice medical director certify the disease is end-stage with a life expectancy of six months or less should the disease run its natural course.
Hospice provides compassionate care, education and support for patients and families with all types of illnesses including:​​
Vascular Disease
Heart Disease
Liver Disease
Lung Disease
Renal Disease
All types of dementia
If you or your loved one may benefit from hospice care, we are only a phone call away 24 hours a day. Our staff can work with your physician to determine if hospice is appropriate for your family at this time.